Saturday, September 14, 2013


Today was one of the most beautiful days as far as scenery goes.  We traveled 13 miles from the mountain village of O Cebreiro, through the fertile valleys of Galicia.  Most of the decent was over sandy and rocky terrain, not one of my favorite paths to travel.  Plus going downhill is not good for my knees.  To compensate for the agony of the walk, the scenery was very beautiful.  Passing through small villages, mountain passes, and experiencing the culture of the region was wonderful.  I especially love the tarta de Santiago, an almond cake that is out of this world.  During the whole journey, I've been eating like crazy !!  That's because we are expending between 5,000 and 7,000 calories a day with all our walking.  Believe it or not, I have not had a diet coke since I left the U.S.!!!  
Well, we finally reached our destination around 3pm.  Mass is at 6pm, then have something to eat, and it's off to bed.  We have an 11 mile trek tomorrow to Sarria.  Many people begin the Camino at Sarria because you must walk 100km to Santiago to receive your certificate of completion.  Sarria is a little over 100 km from Santiago.  So this is probably the last village that is quaint, simple and quiet before we enter the busyness of the Camino.  I cant believe we have walked over 400 already !!  We are all anticipating next Friday as we enter Santiago and complete the journey.  It is all blessing !!!  Buen Camino !!!

Scripture passage - Jeremiah 10:5

Prayer companion(s):
Steve and Donna Swenson


  1. Ray.
    Once again, thanks for the pictures of the country side. It almost looks like San Lorenzo. The weather looks fine, especially since you are not in a jacket, but in a t-shirt.
    Hopefully, your knees recover and carry you to Santiago with no problems. Hey, a glass or two of wine always helps me, regardless of what pain I am feeling. As for the no diet coke thing, I'm proud of you. Have a safe trip to Sarria and look forward to your next update.
    God Bless you and your traveling mates.

  2. Ray:
    OMG, no Diet Coke....stop the wonder the stock in Diet Coke went down! That's ok, I'm drinking enough for the both of us when it comes to Diet Coke. I'm sure you now like the taste of water/wine...much better for you anyway.
    Safe travels my friend...Praying for a safe journey.
    Love the pictures you are sending along with the history of your journey.
    Be well my friend,
