Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mansilla de las Mulas

After dinner last night, we walked to this little pond at the edge of town to watch the sunset.  We met this homeless person who makes the Camino his home.  He has walked the Camino 11 times !!!  As the sun was setting, he played his flute as a tribute to another day on the Camino.  We woke this morning, ate breakfast, and began our 12 mile walk to the small village Mansilla de las Mulas.  There were hardly any villages in the first 13km of the walk.  The open countryside gives you a constant view of the horizon.  There is a complete absence of trees for much of the way.  Throughout the area there are a few rest stops set up next to some streams.  We left early enough to beat the heat of the day.  After walking 13 km we arrived at the small village of Reliegos and stopped for coffee and a tortilla.  From there it was another 6 km to our final destination, Mansilla de las Mulas, population 1900.  The name of the town ( of the Mules) refers to its earliest prominence as a livestock center in the 12th century.  Tomorrow, we leave this tranquil environment and move on to Leon, population 170,000, where we have an extra day to rest.  Buen Camino !!!
Scripture passage - Sept. 4
John 4:14

Prayer Companion(s):
Dana Bayer

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