Friday, September 6, 2013


Today is our rest day in Leon.  After a wonderful breakfast, we went to mass at the Cathedral Chapel, then we took a tour of the Cathedral itself.  The Cathedral is known for its 125 stained glass windows. One of the chief functions of these windows was to instruct the people by showing them stories of the Gospels and the lives of the Saints.  After the Cathedral tour we moved on to the Basilica of St. Isidore, built in the 11th century and located on the other side of Old Town.  The remains of St. Isidore were brought here from Sevilla.  We entered through the Puerta de Perdon, the Door of Forgiveness, through which medieval pilgrims, to sick to travel on to Santiago, could still receive the same indulgences of those pilgrims completing the pilgrimage.  It was a very peaceful and holy place.  We plan to attend the Pilgrim's Mass there tonight before dinner.  We also toured the museum located next to the church with its beautiful frescoes.  Having our siesta at the moment before mass at 7:30pm.  Tomorrow is a 13 mile walk to our next destination.  Buen Camino !!!

Scripture Passage - Sept. 6
Isaiah 40:31

Prayer Companion(s):
Jimmy Musto

1 comment:

  1. Buen Camino, Ray. I saw Flor Herce today. She said her husband Romy left yesterday to participate in the Camino journey. You will be fellow pilgrims. Abundant Blessings!
