Saturday, August 24, 2013


We got a late start from Santo Domingo, leaving the area at 8:15am after having breakfast at the convent we stayed at last night.  The sister were very gracious & hospitable.  The walk today seemed a bit long even though we walled only 13 miles.  Today was the first day it RAINED on the trip!  That might have been a blessing, because there was very little, shade along the way, and in the heat of the day, it may have been unbearable.  
As we were walking, we passed a shepherd tending his flock.  The sheep were grazing and the shepherd was watching over them with his dog that sat by his side.  When the shepherd moved to another area of the field, all the sheep immediately followed the shepherd to the new grazing area.  What a beautiful image we have in Scriptures, that mirror's this experience, of the sheep following the Good Shepherd to greener pastures so they we may have life.  The Scriptures really came to life for me.
Today we said good-by to Katherine, one of our traveling companions, who ended her Camino trip here in Belorado. She took a taxi to Burgos and is leaving tomorrow by train for Madrid where she flies back to Virginia.  After having some wine and good conversation, we said our farewells and wished her God's blessings.  She will be missed.  Buen Camino my friend!!

Scripture passage - Aug. 23
Psalm 139:2-3
Prayer companion(s)
John and Kathy Kluesener 

Scripture passage - Aug. 24
Psalm 25:4-5
Prayer companion(s)
Brian Stevens


  1. Great pictures. We are enjoying reading about your trip. -Arturo and Rosa Gonzalez

  2. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and updates on your amazing adventure. We look forward to your daily progress reports. Glad to hear that all is going well. The beard is starting to look very impressive!!!
    Best wishes,
    Ed and Patty Martin
